Short notes on the OPEN driver. LRESPR the code and it links in 3 superbasic keywords.... OPEN_LIST[#n] - list open calls to this channel Until this command is issued, the list channel is #0 OPEN_LIST with no parameters will set listing to #1, or use by: open_new#3,ram1_file:open_list#3 or open#3,ser1:open_list#3 OPEN_LNK - link in the device driver. Default on LRESPRing the code is that the driver is not linked in. Turn it on when you want to use it with this command, and turn it off with OPEN_RMV - unlink the driver. The code remains resident, and can be re-started with another OPEN_LNK command. Note this does not close the listing channel for you, but it does forget the channel number. The next OPEN_LNK will reset listng to #0 again.